Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - USD CHF spot Forex.mp4

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - USD CHF spot Forex.mp4

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - GDX.mp4

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - Spot Gold.mp4

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - Spot Gold.mp4

The Vulcan Report - Wed 16 Dec 2009 - Spot Gold.mp4

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Vulcan Report


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The US Dollar strenghening off key support lows. Trend Reversal or Setting up for the next leg down?

 Review of CHF (USD/CHF)
 as of Tuesday, December 08, 2009

RESISTANCE: 102.4200
High    102.8500
Low     101.6300
SUPPORT:     99.1100

RSID:    102.7000
TREND LINE:   105.7766


A big white candle occurred.  This is generally considered bullish, as prices closed significantly higher than they opened.  If the candle appears when prices are "low," it may be the first sign of a bottom.  If it occurs when prices are rebounding off of a support area (e.g., a moving average, trendline, or retracement level), the long white candle adds credibility to the support.  Similarly, if the candle appears during a breakout above a resistance area, the long white candle adds credibility to the breakout.
During the past 10 bars, there have been 5 white candles and 3 black candles for a net of 2 white candles.  During the past 50 bars, there have been 22 white candles and 15 black candles for a net of 7 white candles.

Three white candles occurred in the last three days.  Although these candles were not big enough to create three white soldiers, the steady upward pattern is bullish.


Currently the TREND is  Bearish-Retracement .


Currently Market Pulse is positive since it is trading above its signal line.
The Trend Channel is UP!  (i.e. "Positive Pulse") This means that positive momentum is entering the market. Expect sideways to higher prices within the next 3-5 days


The Momentum Channel crossed above its signal line 2 period(s) ago.
Since the Momentum Channel crossed its moving average, CHF's price has increased 1.00% , and has ranged from a high of 102.850 to a low of 99.870.

Overbought/Oversold - "SWING VIX"

The Swing Vix is in an overbought range.  Prices may continue to move higher for some time.  Expect sideways to lower prices within the next 3-5 days. Wait for prices to move lower before considering any short positions.

The Swing Vix is not entering into a Resistance or Support range.

Failure Swings of the (RSI & SWING VIX) -  (also known as support or resistance penetrations or breakouts)

The RSI has just reached its highest value in the last 14 period(s).  This is bullish.

The Swing Vix has just reached its highest value in the last 14 period(s).  This is bullish.


Momentum Divergence

There have been no divergence signals within the last 5 periods.

Oscillator Divergence



The current market condition for CHF is:

              Mildly Bearish

The close is currently Below it's 200 period moving average.
The close is currently Above  it's 90 period moving average.
The close is currently Above  it's 30 period moving average.

This commentary is not a recommendation to buy or sell, but rather a guideline to interpreting the specified indicators.  This information should only be used by investors who are aware of the risk inherent in securities trading.  Equis accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss arising from any use of this expert or its contents.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In the money

01 DEC 2009, TUESDAY

• spy to resume uptrend price target = $112.00
about 23 hours ago
• GLD to resume uptrend. Price target = $117.00
about 23 hours ago
If you took yesterdays blog entry you would have been prepared for today.









Current Track Record

Monday, November 30, 2009

Warnings The U.S. Monetary System is in REAL trouble!

Warnings The U.S. Monetary System is in REAL trouble!

With the stock market hitting new highs and then retreating the question that this a real bull market??
The short answer is NO! Make no mistake that this current market environment is being controlled and manipulated by Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, Congress and the Wall Street elite. With the TARP funds being easily distributed without constraints and bailout after bailout after bailout of Wall Street, banks and the auto industry you can expect to see a run up in stocks as companies fuse layoffs and cuts backs into profits even though companies are not selling a thing. While masses of people are being layed off and entire industries fading away never to return the future looks extremely dark for Americans. I expect a total economic collapse including the death of the dollar along with civil uprising and marshall law. With a total breakdown of society I expect a New gov't to emerge. I expect to see the U.N. come to the rescue as they run the country. Expect to see U.N. vehicles riding down U.S. streets. Expect to see black ops type technologies being unveiled to the people in attempt to control the masses. UFO vehicles will be common place. Space age type weapons will be used daily to calm and sedate the masses. Extreme show of force and demonizing the Resistance. Amazing things are to come MOST of which will not be believable if I told you. One inportant thing to mention is nationwide starvation with millions unemployed and daily riots and uncontrollable crime in the inner cities.Abandoned buildings and neighborhoods. Discusting streets filled with trash and feces since sanitation is non existance. The U.S. will become unrecognizable within a short period of time. This is what collapse looks like. I hope that I'm wrong. I hope that I'm dreaming all this stuff up. I hope I'm discredited by a recovery that includes jobs and improved standard of living conditions for those that have lost job and have lost everything.

NOTE: Crude Oil, AUD/USD and EUR/USD are following the SPY perfectly. Likewise the USD/JPY and USD/CHF are following the Dollar index. However, don't always count on these correllations because from time to time they come unglued and can ALL rise or fall together. The TLT i.e. Bond/Treasuries can rise or fall with the Dollar which can also move in the same direction with the stock market which can move in the same direction as gold and oil. YES ..........GOLD, OIL, DOLLAR, SPY, BONDS etc etc etc can ALL move in the same direction at the same time on the same day. It HAS happened before and IT will happen again. I expect All to collapse simultaneously in the near future.



Current Track Record

Warnings The U.S. Monetary System is in REAL trouble!

Warnings The U.S. Monetary System is in REAL trouble! 
With the stock market hitting new highs and then retreating the question that this a real bull market??
The short answer is NO! Make no mistake that this current market environment is being controlled and manipulated by Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, Congress and the Wall Street elite. With the TARP funds being easily distributed without constraints and bailout after bailout after bailout of Wall Street, banks and the auto industry you can expect to see a run up in stocks as companies fuse layoffs and cuts backs into profits even though companies are not selling a thing. While masses of people are being layed off and entire industries fading away never to return the future looks extremely dark for Americans. I expect a total economic collapse including the death of the dollar along with civil uprising and marshall law. With a total breakdown of society I expect a New gov't to emerge. I expect to see the U.N. come to the rescue as they run the country. Expect to see U.N. vehicles riding down U.S. streets. Expect to see black ops type technologies being unveiled to the people in attempt to control the masses. UFO vehicles will be common place. Space age type weapons will be used daily to calm and sedate the masses. Extreme show of force and demonizing the Resistance. Amazing things are to come MOST of which will not be believable if I told you. One inportant thing to mention is nationwide starvation with millions unemployed and daily riots and uncontrollable crime in the inner cities.Abandoned buildings and neighborhoods. Discusting streets filled with trash and feces since sanitation is non existance. The U.S. will become unrecognizable within a short period of time. This is what collapse looks like. I hope that I'm wrong. I hope that I'm dreaming all this stuff up. I hope I'm discredited by a recovery that includes jobs and improved standard of living conditions for those that have lost job and have lost everything.

NOTE: Crude Oil, AUD/USD and EUR/USD are following the SPY perfectly. Likewise the USD/JPY and USD/CHF are following the Dollar index. However, don't always count on these correllations because from time to time they come unglued and can ALL rise or fall together. The TLT i.e. Bond/Treasuries can rise or fall with the Dollar which can also move in the same direction with the stock market which can move in the same direction as gold and oil. YES ..........GOLD, OIL, DOLLAR, SPY, BONDS etc etc etc can ALL move in the same direction at the same time on the same day. It HAS happened before and IT will happen again.  I expect All to collapse simultaneously in the near future.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 - SPY and OIH.mp4

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Correllations and Manipulation........Is the PPT out of control?

As I write this article the XAU/USD is starting to pull back from its lofty heights toping out at 1152.83, This is an altime high for the spot prices but is this the begining of a new bubble? Is this current run up do to speculation or is there another reason? Remember for every buyer there is a seller so the question remains....who's selling?
If past correllations hold true the answer is an obvious YES! Gold is now officially in a bubble according to recent gov't pundits shouting the recession is over. If we are indeed in the begining stages of recovery then WHY is the Gold market trading at Hyperinflationary levels? Another BIG question is WHY hasn't Silver taken out its top or struggling to hit a new all time high? The answer to that is take a look at the NASDAQ 100 compared to the S&P 500 and the Dow. Back in 2007 the S&P 500 and the Dow hit all time highs even taking out the 1999 & 2000 highs hit at the Top of Tech bubble of the roaring 90's. While these two markets rallied on the NASDAQ 100 (smart money) stayed put and indicated that the rally was false and due for an enourmous crash! Well a year later the house of cards came crashing down financial armegeddon began. Now in 2009 the stock market is roaring on ahead and Gold is exploding out of the gate. If inflation is said to have been contained then there is NO rational reason for Gold to rally. If anything Gold should collapse and Silver should follow. However the above is NOT true and the stock market is being manipulated in order to cover up whats really going on.???....... a well planned total collapse of our SociaEconomical structure in order to pave the way for a new one world government headed by the U.N. I have facts, figures and testimony to demonstrate what I say. In the coming days I will be documenting this collapse as it begins to unfold. Don't buy into the hype. This country is broken and no amount of printing fiat money will fix it. Mark my words, the S&P 500, Gold, US Bonds Along with the US dollar will ALL eventually collapse at the same time. I will post regular updates regarding the following: OIH, GLD, SPY, AUD/USD, USD/CHF.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009 - Take back Friday

No trade entries for today. The system remains flat until Monday.


Current Track Record

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Current Track Record

Correllations between the Dollar and The Stock Market with Currencies, Bonds , Oil and Gold???

New Post 11-12-09 02:27 PM

exhibit A: USD/CHF - Bullish Today.

exhibit B: SPY i.e. S&P 500

NOTE: the Dollar is following its own path while the AUD/USD, EUR/USD are following the SPY. Likewise the USD/JPY, USD/CHF are following the Dollar index. However, don't always count on these correllations because from time to time they come unglued and can ALL rise or fall together. The TLT i.e. Bond/Treasuries can rise or fall with the Dollar which can also move in the same direction with the stock market which can move in the same direction as gold and oil. YES ..........GOLD, OIL, DOLLAR, SPY, BONDS etc etc etc can ALL move in the same direction at the same time on the same day. It HAS happened before and IT can happen again. However...........TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.

Peace out.


Current Track Record

Something BIG is on the horizon...............

I'm not at liberty to say right now but something BIG is on the horizon. Get ready and be ready to act quickly.
Most people are going to be SHOCKED!!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Current performance

See Link Below:


Is the Wall Street Rally Running Out of Steam???

With the stock market hitting new highs the question that this a real bull market??
The short answer is NO! Make no mistake that this current market environment is being controlled and manipulated by Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, Congress and the Wall Street elite. With the TARP funds being easily distributed without constraints and bailout after bailout after bailout of Wall Street, banks and the auto industry you can expect to see a run up in stocks as companies fuse layoffs and cuts backs into profits even though companies are not selling a thing. While masses of people are being layed off and entire industries fading away never to return the future looks extremely dark for Americans. I expect a total economic collapse including the death of the dollar along with civil uprising and marshall law. With a total breakdown of society I expect a New gov't to emerge. I expect to see the U.N. come to the rescue as they run the country. Expect to see U.N. vehicles riding down U.S. streets. Expect to see black ops type technologies being unveiled to the people in attempt to control the masses. UFO vehicles will be common place. Space age type weapons will be used daily to calm and sedate the masses. Extreme show of force and demonizing the Resistance. Amazing things are to come MOST of which will not be believable if I told you. One inportant thing to mention is nationwide starvation with millions unemployed and daily riots and uncontrollable crime in the inner cities.Abandoned buildings and neighborhoods. Discusting streets filled with trash and feces since sanitation is non existance. The U.S. will become unrecognizable within a short period of time. This is what collapse looks like. I hope that I'm wrong. I hope that I'm dreaming all this stuff up. I hope I'm discredited by a recovery that includes jobs and improved standard of living conditions for those that have lost job and have lost everything.

Breakout or Breakdown?

With the stock market hitting new highs the question that this a real bull market??
The short answer is NO! Make no mistake that this current market environment is being controlled and manipulated by Goldman sachs, JP Morgan, Congress and the Wall Street elite. With the TARP funds being easily distributed without constraints and bailout after bailout after bailout of Wall Street, banks and the auto industry you can expect to see a run up in stocks as companies fuse layoffs and cuts backs into profits even though companies are not selling a thing. While masses of people are being layed off and entire industries fading away never to return the future looks extremely dark for Americans. I expect a total economic collapse including the death of the dollar along with civil uprising and marshall law. With a total breakdown of society I expect a New gov't to emerge. I expect to see the U.N. come to the rescue as they run the country. Expect to see U.N. vehicles riding down U.S. streets. Expect to see black ops type technologies being unveiled to the people in attempt to control the masses. UFO vehicles will be common place. Space age type weapons will be used daily to calm and sedate the masses. Extreme show of force and demonizing the Resistance. Amazing things are to come MOST of which will not be believable if I told you. One inportant thing to mention is nationwide starvation with millions unemployed and daily riots and uncontrollable crime in the inner cities.Abandoned buildings and neighborhoods. Discusting streets filled with trash and feces since sanitation is non existance. The U.S. will become unrecognizable within a short period of time. This is what collapse looks like. I hope that I'm wrong. I hope that I'm dreaming all this stuff up. I hope I'm discredited by a recovery that includes jobs and improved standard of living conditions for those that have lost job and have lost everything.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This is my first attempt at blogging my trades and market analysis.

Free Energy - Pentagon Cover Up