Thursday, November 12, 2009

Correllations between the Dollar and The Stock Market with Currencies, Bonds , Oil and Gold???

New Post 11-12-09 02:27 PM

exhibit A: USD/CHF - Bullish Today.

exhibit B: SPY i.e. S&P 500

NOTE: the Dollar is following its own path while the AUD/USD, EUR/USD are following the SPY. Likewise the USD/JPY, USD/CHF are following the Dollar index. However, don't always count on these correllations because from time to time they come unglued and can ALL rise or fall together. The TLT i.e. Bond/Treasuries can rise or fall with the Dollar which can also move in the same direction with the stock market which can move in the same direction as gold and oil. YES ..........GOLD, OIL, DOLLAR, SPY, BONDS etc etc etc can ALL move in the same direction at the same time on the same day. It HAS happened before and IT can happen again. However...........TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.

Peace out.


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