Sunday, April 4, 2010

Unemployed find it pays not to work

Unemployed find it pays not to work

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By N2H

HC Dominic Cacipoli
“”By working and knowing it wasn’t steady, and it wasn’t going to last long, I cut my own throat,” said Krawiec, 60, of Plainville.’

Unemployment benefit extensions are nice, but to the unemployed it offers little hope, what they would like to hear is how the government is going to restore the jobs that the Elite purposely shipped offshore. Sad thing is, in their hearts they know the jobs are not coming back, as a matter of fact they are still going overseas.

Obamanonics doesn’t work. We all knew that long ago, it isn’t working now and won’t work in the future. There is a perfect test plan we can all look at California. The liberal economic plan has been in play in California for 20 years and they are doomed. They have drove business out of the state, over taxed the people and spent themselves to bankrucy. Welcome to the world of US liberal economics.

How can a state with 35 million people and the (formerly) 13th largest economy in the world find itself in this position? They are only rivaled by Massachusettes as the most liberal state in the union.
Unlike Mass.They are being ravaged by illegal immigrants who are sucking the life out of the state social programs.

unemployed losing benefits 2010 graph

Instead of adopting policies that are out of the Californian playbook the Feds should look at Texas which is a state despite the current economic situation is booming. Why? because they follow a more conservative economic plan of low taxes and better business environments. They too have an illegal immigrant problem but it hasn’t sucked them dry like California. A message to the federal government should be: look at Texas vs. California and you’ll see the right way and the wrong way to do things.

Obama could follow California’s lead, then the US could just go bankrupt and start over. “The study finds that the total cost of regulation to the State of California is $492.994 billion which is almost five times the State’s general fund budget, and almost a third of the State’s gross product. The cost of regulation results in an employment loss of 3.8 million jobs which is a tenth of the State’s population. Since small business constitute 99.2% of all employer businesses in California, and all of non-employer business, the regulatory cost is borne almost completely by small business. The total cost of regulation was $134,122.48 per small business in California in 2007, labor income not created or lost was $4,359.55 per small business.”
Long-Term Unemployed Find it Pays Not to Work

Hartford Courant April 1 2010

Ten months after Mark Krawiec lost his road construction job, he eagerly took a six-week assignment on Route 2 that paid just over $1,000 a week.

Big mistake.

“By working and knowing it wasn’t steady, and it wasn’t going to last long, I cut my own throat,” said Krawiec, 60, of Plainville.

That’s because in January 2010, the state Department of Labor reset his benefits based on the work he did in 2009. His weekly check dropped from $544 to $254.

Krawiec had no idea that accepting work would slash his unemployment pay this way. Hardly anyone does.

It’s a quirk in the federal rules that’s most likely hurting thousands of Connecticut residents who have been searching for work for more than a year, many from the hard-hit construction trades.

In the first year of unemployment, the size of the benefit check is based on your old salary. You can go right back on unemployment after a temp job, and nothing changes. But federal law requires states to recalculate benefits for the second year. If you worked a few days or a few months, the second year’s checks will be based on that lower earnings total.

People who went to work would have been have been better off staying at home if their unemployment continues for months in the new year. Some people have had their benefits cut by more than $400 a week.

If Krawiec had not gone back to work, his benefits would have stayed at $544 through July of this year.

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